

India’s first Float Spa, opened in Pune

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Have you visited India’s first Float spa? 

Yeas you read that right, Pune has India’s first float spa, called Shalom Float Spa, established in the year 2015. Before we tell you about this spa, let us tell you more about float therapy.


What is Float therapy ?

For those who are swimmers, do you remember how relaxing it is to just float in the swimming pool like a log? Remember of relaxing it is? Float spa precisely does the same thing but in a better way. For my non swimmer folks, floating is a form of therapy which helps you relax your body, and heal it from the stress. This therapy has been scientifically proved in the USA and in Sweden, which showed positive effect on the human body. Of course there is an expert who guides you through this process and no, the tank is not deep.


What will happen to you after a therapy at Shalom Float Spa

Well to start off with you will de-stress your body. Which means that the stress you got by over thinking about the project report deadline, or while taking care of your house, or while running around minding your own business will dissolve in that water. You will be able to sleep better, think better and faster, work more efficiently, will be relieved off your pain, and numerous other benefits. And added bonus its summers, so it will also help you cool off.


RelaxoPod, its where the magic happens

Relaxopod is the oyster shaped floating pod, which is like a perfect natural phenomenon of an oyster shell. This pod is sound proof, which means you are cut from all of the outside noise which could destract you, and also helps you meditate or relax peacefully. The natural temperature of the water matches the average external temperature of the human body. So you can easily float away your worries and pain.


So where is this spa?

Shalom Float and Mind Spa is located in between lane 5 and 6 of the north main road, on Koregaon Park.

For details you can visit their website.

So if you want to try something new you know where to head to. Also don’t forget to share your experience with us. For more such amazing stuff stay tuned to our website, and subscribe to it. If you have such amazing information you can share it with us.

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