

6 reasons to take your family on a beach vacation around Pune

Shilpa Ingle
5 Min Read

Feel the sea breeze blowing on your face. Feel the salt tickling your nose, the fine beach sand between your toes, sun kissing your shoulders & sound of the waves crashing the shores…..Just feel it all!! What more would you ask for!  Isn’t it??

Yup, holidays are awesome on beaches around Pune.

We work hard all year long. So holidays with travel becomes a complete necessity to relax & have cherished experience. Travel should also be purposeful and good for the soul too.  So, holidaying with family on beach is one of the best solution to build fond memories together.  The beach with kids also happen to be a great combination. The health benefits we get of going to the beach are also worth all the planning, packing and the long drives too. Holiday on beach around Pune has its own healing powers and a special way of energizing our souls.

Here are some reasons why you should plan your next holiday to the beach.

1. Beaches around Pune favor your well-being

The beach isn’t just fun under the sun. Ruminating by the water feeds our souls which thereby calms our mind. I have experienced that when I sit staring at an ocean, my problems seem to melt away. A sense of peace is induced & then one does not feel alone.

Also, if your kid has sores or cuts, sea minerals will help fight infection & can help them heal. The most common allergen for kids, a stuffy nose, can be relieved by swimming. And of course, there’s sunshine vitamin that helps to restore and improve your health. The beach has and offers the best vitamins and health supplements you can ever have exclusively for you and your family.


2. Beaches around Pune force you to take a holiday from the world of gadgets

The most important reason to go to the beach as a family is mainly because of the time kids are in front of the screen every day. Let’s accept t, technology does takes away the precious hours we should be spending with our kids. We too work in an office setting with fluorescent lighting doing the scary maths in our heads.  That’s a whole-lotta time without fresh air. We too need that salty-sweet smell, cool breeze and sunlight that a beach holiday can fulfill.

Cellphones, laptops, electronic devices have a natural animosity to the beach. So leave them in the room. Go out, swim, walk, run, and play on the sand with family. There are also various activities at the beach that we can enjoy such as kayaking, boat ride, beach volleyball and surfing! We’re getting fit and healthy without even knowing it, and as for the kids, it’s pure fun.


3. Beaches around Pune break your routine dull life

Travel with family is about infusing healthy tonic in relationships. Travel also strengthens the bond between parents and children. Our daily conversations with our children are always about routines—school, homework, tidying the room, and other home-made tasks. Children say they talk to their parents more than once a week about something important to them. Many parents admit they only play seldom with their children while some fathers say they don’t know how to play with their kids. Sad!!

By building sandcastles, running barefoot on the sand, filling a bucket with water, and all sorts of activities can be considered “attachment plays”with kids which are possible on beaches. This enables parents to give full attention to their kids who are  indeed the center of their universe. Playing with your kids and spending quality time with them is a vital part of bonding which boosts a child’s self-confidence.


4. Beaches around Pune tickle the brain and boosts imagination

Beach holidays can certainly help the brain development of kids. Just by burying your child’s feet in the sand easily animates the play system. And when our kids are exposed to sceneries, the brain goes into exploring mode. These things improve the imaginary, motor, and social skills of our child. Creativity & imagination get full scope too.


5. Beaches around Pune come under a happy zone

Life is always better at the beach, right? It’s a rejuvenation center which clears out mental clutter. It’s simplicity is cooling & refreshing.

There also is a scientific explanation for why going to the beach makes people happier. The sound of waves alters wave patterns in your brain, making you feel more relaxed and calm and therefore happy. Magnesium in the water helps to calm the nerves lifting your mood.

Taking kids to the beach makes them less cranky. Getting away from stress & work helps parents to spend quality time with their kids. The beach is nature’s own playground where kids can run, swim, meet other children, and have fun. A place where kids can be kids.


6. Beaches around Pune get you in a picnic mode

Kids spend the whole days in their rooms playing video games or watching YouTube. This is why regular travel with family becomes genuinely important. Kids need to see the beautiful nature beyond the walls. Going to the beach will teach kids to love the outdoors and be closer to nature. Let them smell the fresh air, roll in the sand, play in the water, and pick up rock, build castles. As parents, we need to give them this kind of perspective how to appreciate nature and take care of it.

When are you planning a beach vacation now? You should definitely go to the beach with your family, reap all these benefits, and collect happy and fond memories together.


Have you been on a great family beach vacation?

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