  • 56 Kms
  • 3 / 5
  • Reviews (0)

 Location: Near Pune

Located in Maval Taluka, Bedse Caves are ancient Buddist Caves, built in 1st century BCE during the Satavahana Era.

A part of the trilogy of the Buddhist caves (Karla-Bhaje-Bedse), Bedse caves are yet to be discovered by a large number of tourists. And this is what makes it even more worth visiting. Situated 45kms from Pune, near Kamshet the 2.5km road leading to the caves is nothing short of a rugged adventure.

The Bedse caves date back to 1st century BC. One can notice two parts of the cave- the prayer hall with a large stupa and the monastery. Ancient carvings adorn the walls of the caves and stupas and an early morning visit would be ideal to thoroughly enjoy the place. A flight of 500 steps is not a hard task given the mesmerizing backdrop. Monsoon is the best season for a visit but precautions must be taken while climbing if the rains are heavy. Lush greenery, small waterfalls and a historical setting puts this destination as a must-do on one’s charts.

Neither too far not too near, it is ideal for a one-day trek cum picnic. Being one of the lesser known spots, it is easy to view and enjoy the place!


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